While our house isn’t quite ready to be photographed, I thought I’d give you a glimpse into my grandparent’s house. I took these when we were in Cornwall because it’s always been such an inspirational place. Overlooking Lands End, their cottage is rammed with treasures. Seriously, it’s like walking through the best antique shop ever. I could happily steal so much.
My Grandma’s interior taste has rubbed off on my sister and me greatly since we were kiddos, when we spent many weekends there playing with everything. That’s what I love the most – my Grandma always views these treasures as pieces to be used. We were never told to not touch and bits were never moved out of reach. We always knew to be careful and to take care of these beautiful trinkets, but there were there to enjoy as they should be. From vintage clothes when we were dressing up and linen textiles on the table and bed, to the antique settle that would be our horse and cart or the Victorian high chair we were all sat in.
This is something I really want to emulate when our own bambino arrives. Our house is full of trinkets too and while I’m not naive enough to believe a crawling toddler may not grab this or that, we won’t be changing the way we live or decorate. Our baby will learn to touch and play gently, to enjoy these things as we did, and I will learn to let that happen and not be scared of breakages. Well, that’s the plan anyway. Get back to me in a year and we’ll see how well that one’s working out...
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