Happy New Year! I hope you welcomed in 2012 with style, whatever you did. This is how our evening shaped up; amazing burgers, fries and movies. Then, as the fireworks marked midnight, we stuck our heads out of the window to watch the sky light up. It was bliss. Just me, The Boy and The Belly.
This morning I got a text from one of my oldest, dearest friends letting me know that she was taking inspiration from my 10 for 2011 list, was writing her own and was feeling positive and ready to go for 2012. My friend has had the most difficult of years, and I'm so proud of how she's dealt with it with grace and dignity, still happy to lend me support when I've needed it despite how tough that must have been at times. She's a true friend and inspiration and I wish her and her husband so much happiness this year. May all your dreams come true xx
I've got to be honest, over the last few months I'd forgotten about this list (a few other things on my mind...) but looking back over it I'm rather pleased at the amount i'd crossed off. In fact a family portrait session and taking a trip to somewhere new with Ben are the only things not achieved, and given the tightening of the budget reigns (for obvious reasons), that last one's hardly surprising. The family portrait sesh? Maybe I'll be as lucky as this lady and find a photographer as good as this dude for one this year.
Mostly, for 2012 we have plans not resolutions (an idea stolen completely from this gal) ...settle into life as a family of three, relax and be happy. We're keeping it simple.