The Bump and I have been spending our days lounging around, taking little strolls and getting the final things ready for an arrival any day now. Yesterday we had a midwife appointment which went smoothly as always. Blood pressure, good; baby's heartbeat, perfect; blood test results to check iron levels had gone up a bit? Well the red meat has paid off and we're now well and truly in the safety zone. Our lovely midwife this week, Lesley, was who we saw at our first ever appointment at 8 weeks. How fast those months have gone.
At home the Baby's nook in our bedroom is now all set up. A vintage Babar print discovered in a charity shop and postcards with pretty birds and beautiful sayings all sit above the Nanny-made basket liner, which makes comfy living for Donna Wilson and Cath Kidston teddies.
So, we're ready when you are little one. Your bed's awaiting, with new friends tucked up in Mama-made blankets. We can't wait to meet you...