So we're still here. Playing the waiting game, hoping Baby will make it's arrival soon. I'm focusing on staying calm and relaxed and know that this little bird will start on its journey when it wants. Like this lovely lady says...stay in the moment.
Between resting and walking, listening to my hypnobirth CD and whispering encouraging words to The Belly, I've finished the last details in the nursery and I'm so pleased with how it's turned out. A mix of bright colours and vintage prints, second hand discoveries and fairtrade purchases, Mama-made bits and Nanny-made cot bumpers plus a couple of bits from our own childhoods.
From the top:
A second hand sofa from my brother in law covered in a handmade quilt from a charity shop. No doubt one of my best finds ever, for the grand sum of £4. A little TLC was needed but it's a beautiful thing that I can't believe someone just gave away.
The Granny Blankets were also both charity shop finds and were a just few quid each. I completely agree with this lady ...there's always room for another Granny Blanket.
All cushions are Mama-made, with exception for the deer, using vintage fabrics and all the toys are charity shop finds. The knitted dolls I found at separate times for about 50p each in a charity shop, but thought they made a cute couple. Then there's this crazy monster and little bird, made by moi, as well as some cuddlies from my Nan.
The picture frames are Ikea bargains filled with postcards and prints collected from here and there and the Moomin poster is a sheet of wrapping paper from this store. Thw alphabet hanky came from a random homeware store in town that accidentally sells some pretty cool and retro stuff.
The cot is classic Ikea and the blankets include this awesome find and the quilt I made from scraps that I had lying around. The amazing reversible bumper was made by my ever-talented Mum in the prettiest fabrics.
The books are mostly second hand discoveries, with some new classics in there thanks to these ladies and the animal ornaments have been gathered since I first started thinking about this space.
I got pompom crazy with a bespoke Happy Circus garland and couldn't resist hanging the red woolly jumper I wore when I was a kiddo alongside these amazing dungarees.
The chest of drawers and mirror were uncovered at this junk shop and the nappy bag hanging on the bag of the door is a men's satchel we choose when it became apparent that the vast majority of nappy bags on the market are simply horrendous. Plus, blue and yellow anyone?
Our nephew's artwork turned out better than we ever hoped and looks so cool up on the wall. Something we will always treasure and a selection of truly artistic creations.
Finally, hanging above the cot is one of Kerry's truly awesome prints, the Donna Wilson baby plate, my felt cloud plus a dream catcher and beautiful hand drawn Christmas present Dora gave us.
We can't wait to spend hours in this little space with our baby. Watch it grow and develop and create memories as a family of three. Now, if only the teeniest member would shake that tiny booty and hurry along...