Inspired by Anna and Kathryn I'm playing along with my list of ten things I like...or want! Being the good girl I am I haven't been doing much shopping recently, so the chance to go on a fictitious shopping spree was pretty awesome.

1. This necklace... or this one...or this one - the perfect anniversary gifts, one might say (wink wink, nudge nudge)
2. The cooler than cool backpack
3. The much discussed yellow Converse
4. My absolute must-have camera
5. A genius photobook packed full of hen&stag weekend/wedding/honeymoon pictures from here
6. I have a bit of an obsession for anything with two little love birds on so would love these
7. Nothing better than a slouchy jacket like this to take you from summer to autumn
8. A yummy cupcake from here
9. This knitting pattern...and the ability to knit this well (not sure if I can buy that online though)
10. Finally, one day when I can afford to buy him such an insanely awesome gift I will buy B of these. He. Would. Freak.