The first was a big box from eBay packed with Christmas goodies for B. I know, organised right? In fact he's now got a whole stash of Christmas gifts buried in the wardrobe. Don't peak now B! A little gift for myself may have also sneaked in too. This beautiful tapestry knitting bag is exactly what I've been looking for. I love it lots. And so do my knitting needles.
I also got a package from the super duper Jaclyn and my first ever copy of Frankie. Ever since she offered to send me over a copy I've been waiting excitedly and when it arrived I happily read it from cover to cover. OK. So maybe I flicked through and looked at all the pretty pictures first, like a 6 year old.
I love this magazine. The clothes were quirky, the writing cool and the mix of features really entertaining. Huh, kinda like Jaclyn’s blog actually. My awesome mate wrote a really lovely and too true post about how bloomin’ nice it is to make such good blogging buds and how despite the miles between us, you can really connect with someone and feel like you’ve known them for years. So thank you chuck for this most fun of parcels. And for being such a downright stinkin’ cool blogger buddie. You pretty much rock and (once it’s finished) there’s a parcel heading down under with your name on it.