After a wander round town (and a new griddle pan for B!) we headed to the art gallery B's mum works at to see Shaped by War: Don McCullin. A simply amazing exhibition featuring McCullin's war photographs. Harrowing but beautiful. We've been wanting to see it, so were really glad we managed to actually get there. Sometimes these opportunities come and go before you realise it, don't they.
We enjoyed an afternoon nap (we're old now) and headed to our favourite pub to catch up with some other lovely people. It was fun and lots of cider and Guinness was drunk. Oh and then we had chips. Good times.
I forgot the camera. Again.
This morning I did a bacon sandwich run to one of our favourite cafes and after some lazing around, we headed out for a Sunday walk. Autumn has most definitely arrived and it was beautiful to see. An awesome weekend, only fitting for my favourite person's birthday.