
I'm ill. Sore throat, tight chest, aching bones: the whole schbang. I've taken the day off work and have been knitting through the general feeling of rubbishness. Oh and I watched Stardust. One of my favourite films when I can't be doing with thinking too hard. I also munched a Fondant Fancie, because you're allowed to eat anything you want when you're ill to make you feel better. Well that's the motto in our house anyway. (Same applies when you're feeling a bit blue or if it's a special occasion. Basically any excuse to eat lots.)

Thankfully I did get an awesome gift (bought by me for me, but a gift all the same I reckon) in the post to cheer me up. It arrived a couple of days ago and is now sitting proudly on our sofa. Thank you awesome Nath for packing it up so beautifully. I ♥ it. Visit her shop now for some brilliant vintage finds.

So it's a slouchy afternoon in front of the TV for me, hoping that I feel better soon and maybe feeling slightly sorry for myself. But ultimately loving that I have a day without going to work. There's always a silver lining, right?