
I’ve been finding recently that it gets to Friday and there have been some rather lovely things that I haven’t posted about. Little bits and bobs that make life worth living and make me a happy bunny.

I love the This Moments some of you guys feature at the end of the week and Anna’s post a couple of days ago about things making her happy this week. Sophie’s Things to be Thankful For on a Friday is also really cool and last week she put a shout out to everyone to join in. So today I’m starting my own little Friday round-up.

Things to smile about this week:

1. The arrival of my new Chuck T’s in the post. My pink ones finally kicked it last week. I was tempted to get some red ones, but B persuaded me to go with the black. I think this maybe husband talk for “don’t buy yellow or red ones as I’m buying them for you for Christmas.”

2. Getting free things at press launches through my job. Brora just opened a store in Bath and I got these lovelies. They’re normally £25 each. For a pair of socks. Insane but oh so soft.

3. Peanut Butter Cookies. Ben had Monday off work and I came home to find two trays of my most favourite cookies. I may have eaten a lot of them.

4. Feeling my best mate’s baby kick in her belly for the first time. Most beautiful thing ever.

5. Getting my pay rise at work. Awesome news for two little savers like us.